messages from the virtual participants: [to find out more about the individual participants click on the text links]
Keep fighting the good fight!! ...
The measure of a society is found in its treatment of the weak and vunlerable. The people in Woomera (and all the other concentration camps) are our most vulnerable. It is for them and their right to have their humanity respected that I go to Woomera.! ...
i'm on my way up to woomera today. see you there maybe!! ...
greetingsfrom Washington D.C, wish I could be in Aussie land right now to take part....! ...
To be free within you need help to remove the shackles others put on you. Free the world.! ...
The Australian Government should be ashamed of the way they are treating refugees coming into this country. It looks like protest is the only way we are going to be heard... Are we witnessing the next big (the first being the stolen generation) cross-cult! ...
coole idee! ...
why are people so cruel! ...
Turn this world upside down, it can't be the right way round! ...
hey, what a blast! no borders, no nations, no deportations!! ...
Human beings must care for each other! ...
Im overseas (india) so at present I can't dirrectly take action. Sites like this make me want to come back to help! ...
I will be particpating physically - check out Melbourne IndyMedia for phone reports and constant updates!! ...
go indymedia coverage.! ...
hey all,
I don't agree with mandatory detention, but not sure if I understand the mantra 'no borders'. It sort of sounds fun, but by no borders surely you means no democracy...
! ...
Hi,i just want to express my solidarity to woomera 2002 and i wish i were there too!! ...
welcome to the virtual people smuggler! ...
stop the use of nuclear technology imediatly!! ...
free all prisoners now!! ...
Thanks to the crew who built virtual people smuggler.
I hope millions participate on-line -- it's the least we can do, to support
Aboriginal peoples' struggles for their land. Add to that, freeing the
sans papier, & opposing toxic mines, spy bases! ...
this is crap in a so-called civilised and democratic country. refugees are not criminals. let them go.
i implore the australian government to shwo some human decency and stop riding on the backs of refugees for political gain. what is right is more i! ...
I had planned to be at Woomera this Easter - but a series of family illnesses (my own included) prevented it. In my opinion you're participating in nothing less than the EUREKA STOCKADE of 2002!! ...
There are people all around Australia who care about the refugees. Even in Canberra, where I live, most of the people that I meet are outraged about the situation that our goverment puts refugees to our country in. Canberra is not represented by the pol! ...
to get closer to freedom, we need to re-assess and decisively take control over the meanings of "citizen", confronting the imperial North and multinational corporate interests.
! ...
xxx@yyy.zzz! ...
As an Australian who began as a refugee I wish to applaud everybody who participates in this action.! ...
Cheers to everyone who is travelling to Woomera or supporting the protest here. Here's to changing government practices around refugees and challenging public misconceptions about asylem seekers.! ...
Give them a chance for a new life!! ...
Give them a chance for a new life!! ...
Why does John howard Not let these people In, they are not illegal only his policies are! ...
no border no nation no deportation !!! no man can say this is my land ! the world is free and people are free to move around where they want! and if someone puts himself in there way ... we will be there! Dont fear repression destroy it !! ...
a! ...
From Fortress Europe to Fortress Australia: everywhere the walls spring up, the camps are built, people are declared illegal, and the message of deterence is the same: DON´T COME HERE
... unless you fit the economic profile required.
Here in Berlin,! ...
.! ...
Fuck all governments anyway - let those people go!! ...
you make every day seem like kindergarten! ...
awww it is intense not being able to get out there, i would kiss all my friends if i were there - your the best.
stay strong brothers and sisters, in and out.
today i'm an armchair activist throwing digital molotovs at cops. watching every second i c! ...
I go to woomera in the name of human rights and compassion, rights for the indiginous community, rights for the refugees and to set an example to other Australians and the rest of the world that there is nothing to be gained from fear! ...
Strength and peace to all within the compound and to those who surround it with faith and love.! ...
I call on every artist (and and life artist) to wage artistic guerilla warfare to bring the globalisation system down. "And then on the ruins of the old consumer culture, we will build a new one with a non-commercial heart"-K. Lasn! ...
To all the people locked up in Woomera detention centre, we support your struggle for freedom and to be treated with respect. To the indigenous landowners, we see the links between the racism of detention and the racism of dispossession, nuclear madness a! ...
a safe and speedy trip everyone especially to my beautiful daughter Shae - your passion to defend human rights is awesome - expose the Howard Gov't's deceit.Go Girls!! ...
people don't belong in cages! ...
more people need to be standing up and shouting to the world that howard's australia is not our australia. our australia is compassionate and just. our australia welcomes the needy and the desperate with open arms, not barbed wire fences.! ...
We are in solidarity with you.
from Houston, where Spanish (and indigenous languages) has been spoken here for longer than English...
We will echo your efforts in DC on April 20
! ...
Although I can't come to Woomera I want to support the lot of you.! ...
Good luck to all at Woomera 2002. I wish I could go, but I am on parole from an ACM prison so I am unable to leave the state (Victoria).! ...
all respect to the indigenous first nations of 'Woomera' land & all power to the protesters. you are our voices & our bodies - thanx for being there. we want no borders, no violence/racism against asylum seekers & no limits to freedom/creativity/justice! ...
I am with you all in heart and spirit. I wish you all well in your bold campaign. May this lead to a more compassionate and caring Australia.! ...
glad to participate, one more of a mumber of actions i am involved in.! ...
If we imagine ourselves and our babies suffering the same torment as our refugees we should have no difficulty finding compassion.! ...
! ...
Ready to protest !! ...
Go for it! ...
shut down fortress australia ! and we'll have to start in womeera..
Hope to see lot's of aussies in EUROPE to help us shut down fortress europe somewhere in the future
! ...
Take care out there, remember, as long as some are interned, none of us are free!! ...
Good luck Woomera travellers on your mission to make the world a better place, my thoughts are with you.! ...
Comfort, friendship, empathy and assistance is the human response to hardship and terror.
The fear/indifference perpetrated by the Australian majority makes potential enemies of those who return to their countries feeling the cold reality of Western disl! ...
tomorrow we will be in woomera! ...
Unite the fight worldwide: Belgium, Fortress Europe, Australia: close the camps, shutdown the fortress and destroy the borders: no one is illegal !! ...
We have lost sight of what is important and the only thing that is real and permanent. That is each other. We need to show our solidarity for injustices like these and protest them.! ...
shut down fortress europe
and fortress australia! ...
sorry we can't be there to help, good luck in highlighting this issue and making a stand. Please highlight a clear campaign message reasoning your actions and don't lose it.! ...
pull that fence down!! ...
Borders exist only to cage poor people. Everything else (the rich, commerce, finance, ideas, art, culture, etc) pass through the borders with little difficulty. Solidarity from the USA! ...
peace and justice!! ...
shh...! ...
let basic human rights prevail in the lucky country! ...
Hasta la victoria siempre...! ...
Love and Understanding! ...
Massive respect for the protestors in the desert. look after your mental health peoples- remeber the first task of the revolutionary is to stay alive! I see woomera as an attempt to save everyone\'s sanity. refugees, protestors, politicians,queers, cops,! ...
Woomera must be closed.! ...
PROTEST. standfast. revolt. be heard. end the suffering of our brothers in the concentration camps. deny the capitalist monstrosity of ACM. may all our thoughts, actions and positive energy fuel this fight against democratic oppression of those less fortu! ...
I'm the irregular brother from crab nebular, i dream of killing politicians, oppresses and embezzlers.
Rolling with my bloc ya pain i feel "n" we be doing em..
Crushing corporate scum cunts like illinium do-en-em something hectic throwing digi brick! ...
I am happy to be a part of this group and I am only sorry I can't be there in person. I believe "a better world is possible" is more than a saying...! ...
Close the camps, it is unimaginably inhumane to lock children and innocents behind the razor wire! ...
Good luck to all at Woomera 2002. Bring down the razor wire, close the camps and bring an end to Australia’s appalling treatment of asylum seekers!! ...
solidarity to all inside the camps, all those protesting outside them, and all their supporters.! ...
Detention of refugees is wrong! Detention of children, most of whom will one day be Australian citizens is VERY VERYwrong!! ...
As John Lennon said 'free the people, now!'! ...
You are standing up for the better humanity of us all by standing against the inhumanity of these camps, and against the fear and hatred peddled by our government... Tonight the razor wire is falling... at Woomera, and in our hearts and minds!! ...
the world is watching! ...
break free! pull down the barbed wire!! ...
...! ...
Free the refugees and asylum seekers.! ...
Are there any freed detainees who I can help find a job for?! ...
cut em out! ...
LOVE!!!! ...
May your physical convergence in the desert heart ignite our shared feeling into an unstoppable force that sweeps the ignorance from our collective soul, so that spirit can prevail.! ...
I am a woman animal from planet earth and I demand that be recognsed.! ...
I'm with you all in spirit, walking tall and strong. I will be moving to Australia at the end of the year. I look forward to being able to physically participate.! ...
to all the brave people at woomera this morning - we are so proud of you. The whole world is watching and even my 87 year old grandmother is cheering you on! Here in Newcastle, people are watching and waiting. Be strong. Stick together and document everyt! ...
freedom of choice is not only a right, it is right.! ...
Fight the Good Fight!!! If the refugees can be demonised for wanting to escape conditions that most of us can\'t even imagine WHO will the Government pick on next???! ...
Many people who can't get to Woomera support all of you there, for your part in exposing the lies, concentration camps and cover-ups of this criminally vicious government, and making more people aware that there has to be a better way. Stay cool and keep! ...
...you make the sun shine on a rainy melbourne saturday...! ...
If you people love the third world hordes so much I suggest you get on the plane with them when they are all deported. You are not wanted by the silenced majority in this country.! ...
refugees are welcome. cancel the camps.! ...
What are we? We have no right to treat our fellow people in this way, no way. Free the refugees, we must make a stand and voice our opinion against those who try to put money and politics before pain and suffering. These people have been through enough.! ...
does the sign-up function work again?! ...
I am a man who believes in peace through active listening and respectful negotiation. I have lived in other cultures as a volunteer inculding Bougainville. I now live in NSW, Australia.! ...
dubhustler to hustle in and be part of movement towards free movement. virtual, physical, everywhere&allover.! ...
one idea that i came up with after the anti-FTAA protests in Quebec City last spring was to fly a million kites above the Police-barricaded summit. unfortunately we thought of the idea after the fact, but maybe it's possible there. think of the amazing! ...
Free the refugees, all of them, but especially the children and young people and their families.
Solidarity with al of mankind. End the war against Palestine.! ...
how else?! ...
Wishing you well in your efforts to stop being receptacles for nuclear waste. The innocent are being punished for the sins of the warmongers.! ...
Just want to say a big thank you to all you amazing creatures that have spent big on time, money, effort and dedication to get this amazing event off the ground. COuldn't afford to get there from Perth myself so thanks to all that did - YOU ROCK!! :)! ...
What has happened has been truly amazing......the courage shown on both sides of the razor wire is inspiring....! ...
Population Control! ...
Thanks!! ...
may we all find the courage to work for peace! ...
You Woomera Protester fascists should not be taking the law into your own hands. You should be protesting for a referendum or similar peaceful and DEMOCRATIC end to the problem of illegal immigrants.! ...
You are a bunch of fascist losers that make me ashamed. How can you talk about democracy if you override the democratic process? You are utter scum.! ...
A completely ineffectual waste of time. Simply more trauma for the detainees. If you really don't know where the escapees are, then you'd better hope they ain't in the desert.! ...
Freedom.! ...
KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT! never give up! one imprisoned human being is on too many! DIRECT ACTION DOES WORK!! ...
I fully support and admire the actions of protesters at Woomera over Easter.I am ashamed and embarrased by the actions of the Australian government in the treatment of refugees and mandatory detention policies.! ...
fight for freedom! ...
! ...
the great only appear great because we are on our knees - let us rise!! ...
I went to a forum yesterday and sat through a speech by a Mr. Robert Illingworth from DIMA whose message was simply that although it would be nice to be able to look at the struggles of 'individual people' it was necessary and even appropriate for the Dep! ...
My heart goes out to the so-called 'illegals' in Australia's detention camps. My solidarity is with those fighting for their freedom.! ...
Bad! ...
this is a test please ignore it! ...