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spacer logo: orange sea-container title: destination woomera (aus) image: snakehead
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comments about the woomera protest festival: below you find comments about the camp made by its virtual participants. in order to make a comment yourself, you must be registered as a virtual participant. use the 'sign up' function from the menu to the right. if you want to find out more about the author of a comment click on the image representing the author.

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 Kate Kloza:
I am back from Woomera and I honestly don't know how I feel. I have so many emotions with the actions I took part in and events I witnessed there. I ended up crying again last night as I recounted to my friends some of the things I witnessed in the desert. On the Sunday action we attempted to march around the perimeter of the detention centre. A section of the fence was not being guarded (at this point) by the police because they were trying to keep the main group away from the fence further down. A group of us went to the fence to start talking to a group of women and 4 of their children. We waved and called welcome to them and managed to have a kind of conversation with them because one of their group spoke English. Out of nowhere it seemed, 6 ACM fuckers came in full riot gear and started forcing them away from the fence - one beating a child with his baton to make the boy let go. Then APS came running down and started shoving us away from the fence and we had to move back. I have some photos of this happening and I am going to send them out to as many places as I can so that people can see exactly what kind of shit goes on in the hell holes Ruddock calls the detentions centres. For all the positive energy and achievements of the Woomera action, I know this story is what I am most going to remember.

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 Margaret Trawick:
Hello you people who have gone to the fences. I am so proud of you, and I hope that your numbers grow. Please continue, day after day, until the fences are all brought down, and all the people held within them are freed. I shall try to help you however I can. Please just say what is most needed.

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Last night I watched the film 'In the Name of the Father' (1993), directed by Jim Sheridan. It is a powerful film, giving you some inkling of what it must be like, to be wrongly imprisoned. It made me think about the dreadfully high rate of incarceration of Aboriginal people in Australia. Also the many Aboriginal people who have died in gaol cells. The film's prison scenes also made me think of the would-be settlers, who are held in prison camps by the Australian government. Not only at Woomera -- also on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea and on the tiny Pacific Island of Nauru, and in many other concentration camps in Australia. The Australian government is the thug trafficker in people, because it is using our armed forces to protect its monopoly in the trafficking of people. And it has done a deal with the Wakenhut corporation, to let them run prison camps where the sans papier are held. The film's trial scenes made me ask myself, what is worse: to be imprisoned after a trial that is conducted in a justice system that serves vested interests, while it pretends to serve the people? Or to be imprisoned indefinitely without trial -- that is the fate of the would-be settlers who are in Australia's prison camps for the sans papier. We have to change these things. Please talk to people about it. Keep it in the media spotlight. If you're in Australia, make the effort -- find out about the Aboriginal nations, visit the Aboriginal tent embassy in Canberra, visit people in the prisons for sans papier. You don't know what it's like to be welcome in Australia until you've been welcomed by Aboriginal people. PS I have never witnessed an uprising by prisoners. The film 'In the Name of the Father' shows an uprising (it is a docudrama about the Guildford four BTW). The film shows how the special ops squad in riot gear selectively beat up prisoners. Watching it has given me even more inner turmoil, regarding what goes on inside Woomera, and how it has different consequences for some people behind the razor wire than for others. kathy-k

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No borders! Let everyone in the world move to Australia right now! This is Aboriginal land and must be respected. Let everyone move here right now - all the poor of the Earth - all the women and gay people and disadvantaged and suffering and coloured people and everyone else. We don't have the right to block access to ABoriginal land. Only the indigenous people do and they are more enlightened than we are so I'm sure it's cool with them.

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 nomadic thought:
don't let that barbed wire contain your dreams. raise your fist, scream, protest, kick, raise hell, shout, fight, abuse, revise, undermine, subvert, rattle the cage, deconstruct, disperse,explode but do not let them keep you within any limits.

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Middle Eastern people are the most beautiful in the world in the way they treat women. And just because they hate blacks, jews and americans is no cause for bother. Let's open the floodgates!

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 Sue Blue:
I watched Doctor Doolittle last night and it made me understand so much about the situation in Woomera. We can't treat human beens like animals because animals have such highly devlpoed consiocnnsess and we shouldn't treat them like either. I've never witnessed a animal being put down but I imnagine that's what happens at Woomera if the gurads are trained to see people who don't speak the same language like English , as well as them, bercuase animals have their own language as I saw on Doctor Doolittle and now I won't ever look at a gog or lizard the same way ever.

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 harald hardrada:
fuck off wanker - your the only windbag here - spaming scum. andy Go Fuck your self you ignorant bugger...maybe thick people like you should be detained instead Craig Bellamy Just two of the oh so intelligent responses to my post.

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We can't let the Howard government win this, because if they do who will be next?

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If you people love the third world hordes so much I suggest you all get on the plane with them when they are deported. I will not let you 'people' turn this once great nation into a third world sewer. Race and Nation!

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Fight for the right to a DEMOCRATIC country, not the idea of violent people doing as they please when they like without the permission of the majority of Australian people! Anything other than that is Fascism.

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