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international bordercamp strasbourg

How to go on? Comment continuer? Wie weiter? ...

below you find a number of texts that resulted from the discussions/workshops that took place during the noborder camp. the texts range from presonal impressions/analyses to discussion/strategy papers and everything in between. if you have a text that you consider suited for this section please send it to


Strasbourg: a Testing Ground?

19.May.03 - Of course you've heard of the No Border Camp in Strasbourg! Maybe you were even there. But are you aware of what happened afterward? Are you aware, for example, of the legal follow-up work that was necessary?
This text was written by some people who helped with the il-legalteam, and by some people who stand in solidarity, who were not a little astonished at and tired of finding themselves at a loss to manage the follow-up work for a camp that gathered almost 3,000 people in all.

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Post-Strasbourg reflections on the continued emergence of a global movement against borders [first draft]

24.Sep.02 - an analysis of the camp by an unknown participant of the camp. discussion of the camp with a special focus on conceps of political activism plus some thoughts on the futility of the noborder network. this is a first draft.

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Camping with the multitude - a Strasbourg evaluation

16.Sep.02 - We went to the No-Border-camp this year, we're not sure if we will go there next year... This text is from a larger group of people from Tuebingen. We are mainly active in anti-racist groups, and in groups, which understand themselves as part of the (anti-)globalisation-movements. Most of us have been at the Camp for the whole time , some only for a few days, and some left earlier, because they "could not stand it any longer". Migrants, who have been with us on a No-Border-camp for the first time, typically enough also left earlier...
We have not been involved in the preparation of the Strasbourg camp and we know only partly and indirect of the discussions in the preparation process.

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Autonoom Centrum Amsterdam on the Camp

24.Aug.02 - From 19 to 28 July 2002 a border camp took place in Strasbourg, organised by the European No Border network. (...) The camp proved enormously successful in the number of people it managed to attract and in setting up the necessary infrastructure to keep the camp going for a week. But it has also met with criticism. Criticism which may benefit us in the future, for example in the upcoming PGA-conference in Leiden. This critique is by no means new, but we felt it was important to comprehensively commit it to paper.

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After Strasbourg - Before Leiden

16.Aug.02 - The No Border camp was a quite intense and complex event that mirrored the current state of the European emancipatory networks, their political practices and the debates within them. The following text tries to draw some general conclusions from the activity of the past years and the Strasbourg no border camp for the upcoming European People's Global Action conference in Leiden.

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Repression against the Strasbourg camp: its working and consequences

14.Aug.02 - We hve had the denial of the Lingolsheim site, the will to delay indefinitely written agreements, facilities, etc. Then they accomodated a C.R.S. in the hotel Mercure; at the beginning of the camp it came from the Moselle and was later replaced by one from the Rhone. The rounds of RG (or BAC) in the camp have been easily stopped.
We must take into account that working with a collective responsibility as we do is a deep mystery (Marx said "a Sphinx") for bourgeois thinking, especially for members of the elected bodies...

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No Border Camp Strasbourg: a report

11.Aug.02 - This report about the noborder camp by Shuddhabrata Sengupta was first posted on the nettime-l mailing list. This report based on two 'very stimulating days' that he spent at the Strasbourg No Border Camp focuses on the communication processes and structures in the camp and provides interesting thoughts and analyses from the perspective of a non-western activist...

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Discussion Paper on Strategies for Action

10.Aug.02 - This document is the result of conversations at the NoBorder camp in Strasbourg, where it emerged that many people desired an emphasis on strategies during the PGA conference. This was seen as involving thought about ways to (1) continue confronting power and face the current wave of repression, (2) relate the opposition against power structures with proactive efforts to create alternatives, and (3) strengthen and widen our networks. This document is aimed at kick-starting debates on analysis and action proposals around these three key dimensions - as part of an on- going discussion, rather than an attempt to reach consensus.

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Proposal for discussion about the creation of an autonomous space in relation to the european social forum (esf) in florence.

10.Aug.02 - As part of the gatherings proposed by PGA during the Bordercamp in Strasbourg, some groups connected to the network, and others from various places around Europe (Spanish State, Italy, Finland, etc.), talked about how our movements, groups and networks should respond to the holding of the ESF in November in Florence.
We agreed to launch the idea of constituting a concrete space for those of us who traditionally work with structures that are decentralized, horizontal, asembley-based, and anti-authoritarian; a space that would maintain its autonomy with respect to the "offical" space of the ESF, but at the same time remain connected, allowing for a specific kind of intervention. This would mean, specifically, having one leg outside and another inside the ESF (the first, in any case, with two feet).

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No deportation of Roma from the European Union!

10.Aug.02 - At the no border camp in Strasbourg an international supportgroup for the Roma has been formed. People from different countries who arein contact with Roma, met a few times during the camp and now want to make a short summery of the workshop:
The situation of Roma people is difficult through out Europe.They arecontinuosly discriminated and confronted with unsure or no right to stay.

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Towards the convergence of refugies, migrants and sans papiers´ struggles in Europe

29.Jul.02 - Fullfilling their freedom of movement, undocumented refugees and migrants (Sans Papiers) and members of support groups from France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, the UK, Finland, the USA met together at the Noborder camp in Strasbourg in July 2002 to support the struggles of migrants.
The desperate situations faced by refugees and the brutal immigration regimes faced by detained asylum seekers serve to extend their oppression rather than offer asylum from the situations they fled. Most importantly, we recognize that migrants who seek legalisation in Europe are often fleeing situations that Western industrialised countries helped to create through economic exploitation, political and military intervention.

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