Meeting with the lyon sans-papiers and support committee members
Friday 12 AM – big tent
30.Nov.99 - We declare our total solidarity and support for the collective action started since August 2001 by the hundreds of foreigners (asylum seekers and sans-papiers) who have decided to act collectively to obtain the right to work in decent conditions: to obtain correct housing and the right to work during the time of processing of their asylum request or to obtain a residence permit for those who have seen their request turned down.
Their struggle to live a decent life in this country they have chosen for asylum - because they trusted it’s reputation as the “birthplace of human rights” – is also our struggle : it is the struggle of all the victims of liberal globalisation that throws millions oh human beings in the streets of poverty and exploitation, in the North and in the South.
End double-talk and the myth of “invasion”
What threatens us today, is not an invasion of foreigners coming from the South or the East of the planet, it’s the growing inequalities on an international level and the unacceptable attacks on fundamental human rights which transform the European union in a fortress closed to foreigners.
Legalization of all the sans-papiers
After the 70 000 sans-papiers turned down by Chevenement, there are new cases of foreigners fighting for their rights. To get rid of what the legal situation of the past has left us and in the perspective of a real change of policy in terms of immigration, we must legalize all the Sans-papiers.
With the collectives of sans-papiers, refugees, asylum seekers from germany, belgium, spain and other countries (karavane, voice, universal embassy, droits devant!!, jena collective, voice, kein mensch ist illegal)
lyon sans papiers group