PublixTheatreCaravan 2003

noborderlab: "Another war is possible!" - For the freedom of movement and planetarian citizenship!

17.Jun.03 - Since 2001 the PublixTheatreCaravan has been touring through Europe with the claim for "noborder - nonation - stop deportation". This year the international Caravan moves on as a mobile noborder Laboratory to politically and culturally different public places in Europe. The Declaration of "Another war is possible!" calls for the global freedom of movement, the right of free choice of housing for migrants and planetarian citizienship to be discussed and claimed.

In connection with the protests at the G8-Summit in Genova 2001 25 activists travelling with Caravan had been remand for more than three weeks. Until September 2003 in Italy the decision will be probably made, if the trial against the PublixTheatreCaravan will take place. "Solidarity with everyone facing repression." We demand for the release of all prisoners and the stop of all proceedings against political activists.

- 26.5. 10h Press conference with Sans Papiers, Vienna
- 29.5.-1.6. A.nanas S.ocial F.actory/ at the Austrian Social Forum, Hallein
- 9.6.-15.6. nobordercamp/Timisoara, Romania
- 27.6.-5.7. "The art of the enemy"/Festival of regions, Upper Austria
- 21.-24.7. "Schengenview"/Graz 2003 (Cultural Capital)
- 12. -14.12.WSIS-World Information Summit/Genf, Switzerland

noborder lab is connected with Everyone is an expert-Mobil (, and IndyMediaCenters on
- G8-summit in Evian - 28.5.-3.6. (30.5.demo against iom)
- EU-summit Thessalonica 19.6.-22.6 (19.6. demo with migrants).
Conferences and nobordercamps in
- Poland: 26.-29.6 Anti-border conference/Warsaw, 2.-7.7. camp/Krynky
- 14.-19.7. noborderZONE/Mostar, Bosnia
- 21.-28.8 nobordercamp/Puglia, Italy
- 31.-10.8. nobordercamp/K�ln, Germany

noborderlab: "Another war is possible!" arises from times of war, which is sold to us as the last and only way to freedom.
The PublixTheatreCaravan has got a declared superior enemy: The neoliberal globalization that exercises force with Law and Order policy, stipulates borders as it wants, and uses force against the opposition. Many who are not compatible with the system of production and consumption, e.g. migrants, nomads, vagabonds, homeless and poor are still seen as people without rights. The claim of the neoliberal system for more security produces prejudices and fears against the other and the unknown.

'You are either with us or against us'? - "Another war is possible!": The international noborder-network and the PublixTheatreCaravan are parts of a network sharing the dream of smashing the enemy and another world beyond capital and state. Under the camouflage "the art of the enemy" the PublixTheatreCaravan will cross European regions and border territories with their double-decker, which is used as a media mobile and exhibition bus.

Opening is the press conference on the 26th of May in Café Nil: Presentation of the new Sans Papiers-Group in Austria and the noborderlab. The PublixTheatreCaravan works in solidarity with the Sans papiers and there demands for same rights and the acknowledgment of all humans: for the right of freedom of movement, lodging right, using the labour law and the right to vote for migrants and a global social basic income.
In the first context of the Austrian Social Forum in Hallein/29.5.-1.6., all these requests will be introduced and supported by Sans Papiers, moreover the noborderlab installs on the ASF a critical discussion platform, the "A.nanas S.ocial F.actory" , which works against austro-centristic positions and hierarchies.

Noborderlab is a mobile room for guerrilla communication, a laboratory of resistance technologies as well as for a virtual and physical interaction. The media bus of the PublixTheatreCaravan is a mobile action-and documentary centre. On board are computers, radio and internet station, bar, information and video-tape library. It is open for interested persons on various public places and offers on some stations (e.g. Festivals der Regionen in Upper Austria) a special exhibition about the practice and theory of the PublixTheatreCaravan, information about the repression G8-Summit in Genova and regards to content work of the international network in the fight for freedom of movement and against migrant management (see

noborderlab: "Another war is possible!" communicates, interacts, informs, connects, attacks and separates.

This year stations of the international noborder PublixTheatreCaravan take through Hallein (Austrian Social Forum 29.5.-1.6.), to the nobordercamp in Romania - Timisoara (9.6.-15.6.), afterwards to the Festival der Regionen (27.5.-5.7.) in Upper Austria and last but not least to the European culture capital 2003 in Graz, where on the 24th of July the performance "Bukaka says: Another war is possible!" will take place in the Schlo�berg.

The PublixTheatreCaravan combines together with other mobile, immobile and virtual Resistance projects in the region and international: including the G8-Summit in Evian, the EU-Summit in Thessalonica and noborder camps in Poland, Italy and Germany.

noborderlab: "Another war is possible!" acts in an authentic bellicose media age, with direct meetings, resistances figuratively and movable - or how to be a Bastard in a disciplinary Society of a capitalist multi-culturalism.