October 13th 2001: International day of action

25.Sep.01 - Imperialist states are tightening controls at the boundaries and inner controls on foreigners. Racist behaviour and violations of human rights are routine features of these controls. They prepare control and repression against anyone who challenges the logic of capitalism.

Government members do not want to do away with the employment of illegal workers. Only undocumented workers must be kept aware that their condition implies accepting any low wages and unbearable working conditions. Corporations take direct profit from this situation and also indirect profit due to the fact that it weakens the position of legal workers as well.

The states, especially those of the European Union, are coordinating their policies against the immigrants. Because we oppose these policies for the sake of our own freedom, we try and coordinate our actions internationally.

On October 15th 1999, while the heads of European governments were meeting in Tampere under the heading "for a Europe of freedom, security and justice", actually to coordinate their policies against migrant workers and asylum seekers, we organized demonstrations and actions in several European countries. On October13th and 14th of last year, demonstrations took place in several countries.

Last summer we organized near the borders a chain of camps against Fortress Europe: - in Tarifa, the southmost place in Spain where candidates to immigration come in, some of them dead; - in Lendava (Slovenia), near the border with Croatia and Hungary and the border of Austria where a candidate to immigration was shot by a border guard; the European Union pressures this country and its other neighbours to enhance measures against the foreigners, especially by creating their own detention centers; - in Bialystok (Poland) near the border with Bielarus; as Poland is a candidate to enter the European Union, it is very keen on strengthening barbed wired Europe; - at the Fankfurt airport, an inner border where ten thousand deportations are performed every year; borders now are not just at limit between two countries, they are everywhere through police controls, thanks notably to the Schengen Information System set up in Strasburg.

As they have already done in France, undocumented foreigners are starting struggles in Spain, in Italy, in Switzerland, in Germany and other countries, let us struggle alongside with them.

Let us make of October 13th an international day of action around the motto NO ONE IS ILLEGAL. Strike at some part of the machine which exploits, controls and deports immigrants (corporations who exploit immigrants, those who collaborate in the deportation business, airports, retention centers, etc), each one and each group according to his local opportunities.