Ukraine - artificial borders

18.Aug.02 - The Ukraine and its citizens are unfortunate enough to find themselves outside Fortress Europe. Because many people aim to flee destitution international agencies stereotype the Ukraine a ‘major sending country’, or, in other words a threat to world order. Subsequently, it is the IOM which supports the creation of new border regimes, detention camps, etc. The IOM runs pilot projects to install procedures for border control and detention; they arrange journeys to the USMexican border to learn about the use of fences, trenches and high-tech equipment to catch migrants. They ensure that Ukrainian authorities adjust to EU policy requirements and to execute EU will. Not only, that the enforcement of a border regime between Ukraine and Poland contribute to an artificial regime that divides neighbours, friends and colleagues. Equally, the West demands the closure and control towards the East to prevent people transiting the country. Such a policy makes both Ukraine visitors to the West as well as travellers from the East staying in the Ukraine ‘illegal immigrants’. In summary, IOM on behalf of the EU promotes a brutal system of exclusion.