Camping of struggle 23-30 july 2000, Marzameni

Against the new lagers of the 'fortitude europe', for the everybody's free circulation

23.Jul.00 - from:

As sicilian comrades, we think urgent to take back that run of struggle that had brought an ample and variegated against razism movement to go down in road, in the different Italian cities, against the Turco-Napolitano law and for the closing of all the centers for migrant. But the racist politics of the "centro-sinistri" governments are go framed,  how all the mobilizations of the following months have shown, as one of the aspects of the wild neoliberista offensive that makes the firm Italy as the keeper of Europe of Schengen.

In all these months we fought against the biotecnologies and the globalizzazione, against the new strategies of control in the Adriatic sea and the reorganization of the south side of the NATO, against the OCSE and the new frontiers of the capitalism.

It is born therefore the demand to connect the against racism question with  A more depeened and collective analysis that supports methodologies of fight that are able to go over the expirations imposed by power and 

the massmediatica theatrical tightly to a conception of political acting that makes of image and not of the contents his founding  reason.

At the same time we think the moment comes to assemble all our attention whereas the contradictions emerge with great evidence.

In what places are the social contradictions historically and economic exploded if not in the "points of frontier"? Today like always Sicily represents a point of caesura between the north and the south of the world, between opulence and poverty, between included and excluded ones, between community and extracomunity ones. Today more than everthe Sicily is a place of deceptive comfort fomented by false promises and place of real economic and cultural medioevo, place of cathedrals in the desert and job not protected: the most delirious expression of the incongruity of the economic neoliberista model.

On the one hand, Sicily is armed outpost of the Europe of Schengen and the south side of the Nato, subject to the community legislation in economic field and in the social one; on the other hand, it is land of capitalistic exploitation and depredation, of anachronistic forms of poverty and of chilling  disparity of class.

In a similar context the war between poor, functional to the control of the frontiers, finds a fertile ground. Our land, since always crossroad  of people and cultures, now assists indifferent to the armour-plating of his coasts and to fires of the clandestines. The indifference more than the racial hate is the feeling manifested by the local population toward the destinies of thousand of women and men that forced to the hunger try to reach our coasts,  often ending secluded in the centers of detention.

Indifference toward the fate of whom the media bombardment describes like clandestine, illegal and as such not having peer dignity and law of citizen, often victims of the exploitation of Italian middle class, forced to inhuman conditions of work as low cost and not protected manpower whose the most elementary laws are also denied,  victims of organized crime and for this make guilty by more fascist logic of propaganda of which they are unaware tool, especially in the electoral campaign, to disorientate the masses and to focus  the anger against fatidical enemies external, victims of the capitalistic system as the unemployed person, the precarious ones, the workers, the students, the pensioners and the women of our country.

Indifference that doesn't have any motive to not only exist for a passed that has seen us all emigrants but for a present that mainly in the South sees us immigrates or local, regular or in nero, all victims of the whims of the globalizzazione, subjects to blackmail of the precarizzazione and of flexibility.

An infinity of inside and outside migrants flows intersect, subdued to the demands of the work market, this is the only  logic that subtends the Turco-Napolitano law, functional to the regulation of the migratory flows in relation to the changing demands of the capital, for a vast front that goes from the left of government to the Confindustria, the migrant one can be now a dangerous clandestine to stop and to repatriate; in another moment an important resource of low cost and not protected manpower.

To this front another one must be contrasted , founded on the solidarity of class that sees us all united, regular and clandestine ones, jobless and precarious in the struggle for the income and for the house, for health and for  all the services, against the Idra of the capitalism and his thousand heads that  are called Berlusconi or D'Alema, Confindustria or CGIL CISL UIL.

That's why a camping of struggle and discussion in Sicily, unitary for all the antagonist groups, but free from hypocrisies of whom sees in the c.p.t. not places to close but places to reform and manage in name of an interested assistenzialismo that doesn't belong us.

A camping to find again our times and ways of comparison and reflection, to center the debate on the immigration and in the same time to extend it to the thousand themes connected to it.

We think besides that the camping must have its culminating moment in a national demonstration in Trapani, because Trapani is one of the  obligatory stages for the one that, his despite, is forced to seek fortune in the West. Trapani because here, inside the Serraino Vulpitta, our brothers died, killed by the fire and by the indifference, in one of that places that the new minister Bianco (Sicilian besides) still dares to call nor jails neither hotels.

For the indizion of the demonstration in Trapani, we fix the base already proposed by different Sicilian groups:

- to close the Serraino Vulpitta immediately, together with all the other lagers of state, against every hypothesis of reform or substitution of the actual cpt with places of softer detention;
- immediate substantial change of the law Turco-Napolitano;
- to open the frontiers to all the migrant, against every law that deludes to be able to regulate the inalienable law to move freely that belongs to everybody. Because the victims of the economic inequalities, produced by the neoliberista west and the political refugees, persecuted by regimes with which the west and our country often makes good business, are received. For a world without frontiers where everyone can circulate freely;
- to guarantee house, health, occupation and conditions of work more dignified, beyond of the difference of race or sex;
- to really create a multicultural society, in which  spaces of meeting and relation, and not places of contenzione, can be multiplied;
- to fix our no to the repressive and fascist politics of the  minister Bianco and of the government Amato;
- an immediate and definitive sanatoria for all the migrant present in the our country.

Against the new lagers of the fortitude europe - for the everybody's free circulation

From 23 to 30 July 2000, in Marzameni (SR), in Sicily, for a camping of struggle and discussion on the migrations, on working and not working, on the biotechnology and on the neoliberism.

Program Of the Camping

- 23 july action in Catania, demo in town and sit in in Fontana rossa
- 24 july in the morning meeting for the opening of the camping in the afternoon report of Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo for the comitee Truth and Justice on the slaughter of Vulpitta
- 25 july day of discussion on migrations, politics concerning migration and ways of fighting
- 26 july day of discussion on working and not working
- 27 july at 17 demo in Trapani to the internment center (Serraino Vulpitta) at 22 concert in the square
- 28 july day of discussion on biotechnologies, increase of poorness of the south of the world and globalisation, new forms of resistence
- 29 july day of discussion on repression and militarisation of the territory 30 july final plenum the camping costs will be about 120 DM each, including transport by bus to Trapani the 27 july

Against the new lagers of the fortress Europe, for the free circulation of all

As sicilian comrades we think very important to go on with what we have done recently, making many people going out and demonstrate in many italian towns against the law Turco Napolitano and for the closing of the internement centers. But the racistic policies of the center "left" governement have to be seen as one of the aspects of the wild neoliberist offense which makes of Italy the guardian of the Europe of Schengen. In all these months we have fought against biotechnologies and globalisation, against the new strategies to controll the Adriatic sea and the NATO riorganisation of the southern Italy, against the OCSE and the new frontiers of capitalism. From this grows the need to link the antirassism to a deeper and global analysis which supports ways of fighting able to overcome the dates given by the power and thearicality of the mass media connected to a way of doing politics that bases itself on images and not on the contents. In the meantime we think it's time to concentrate all our attention on the most relevant contraddictions. And where have historically exploded the social and economical condraddictions if not on the borders? Now as always Sicilia represents a cutting point between the nord and the south of the world, between EU citizens and not. Now as ever place of illusory wealth encouraged by false promises and of real economic and cultural middleage, of cathedrals in the desert and black work. The craziest expression of the incongruety of the neoliberist economic model. On one side army of the Europe of Schengen and of the NATO , on the other side land of exploitment and capitalistic predation, of anacronistic forms of poverty and huge differencies of classes. In such discussion grows the war

between the poors, functional to the controll of borders. Our land is from ages the crossing point of people and cultures and now remains indifferent to the armed closing of its shores and to the burns of illegal people. It's more a matter of indifference than a racial hate the feeling demonstrated by the local people towards the people who come here forced by hunger and who often are put in an internement centre. indifference towards the destiny of whom the mass media describe as illegal and as illegal without equal dignity and right of citizenship, often victims of the exploitement of the italian bourgesie, forced to unhuman conditions of working as low paid workers without protection. To whom are denied the most basical rights, victims of the organised criminality and for this made guilty by the most fascist logics of propaganda especially during elections, to confuse the people and focus the rage against external enemies, victims of the capitalistic system as the unemployed, the workers, the students, the retired people and the women. indifference that doen't have any reason to exist, not only for a past that has seen us as migrants but for a present that especially in the south see us immigrants or not, legal or not, all victims of globalisation, subject to the blackmails of the precarisation and flexibility. The law Turco Napolitano is functional to the regulation of the migration flows, related to the need of the capital, from the istitutional left to the Confindustria now the immigrant can be a dangerous illegal to stop and deport on the other side he is an important resource to exploit. To this we oppose and offer solidarity.

That's why a camping of fighting and discussions in Sicilia, a camping to find our times and ways mof reflection, to discuss on migration and all the subjects connected to it. We think it's important for the camping to demonstrate in Trapani because this town is a compulsory stop for whom try to find a better life in Europe, Trapani also because there is the centre Serraino Vulpitta where our brothers are dead killed by the fire and by indifference so we ask:

- closing immediately the Serraino Vulpitta togheter with the other centers, against any substitution of this lager with other more "comfortable"
- changing immediately of the law Turco Napolitano
- open the borders to all immigrants
- against any law which restricts the freedom of movement
- assure home, health assistance and good conditions of working independent of the race or sex
- create really a multicultural society
- say no the the repressive politics and fascist politics of the minister Bianco and of the government Amato
- a quick act of indemnity for all the immigrants on the italian territory