Migration and Globalisation
planned activities during the strasbourg noborder camp
18.Jun.02 - it is intended to open space for cross-over-presentations and discussions
concerning the relationship of globalisation and migration and particularly
about the interconnection of resistance against capitalist globalisation and
the struggle against borderregimes.
we are convinced, that both have to be tied much more, that the freedom of
movement and settlement has to be anchored in a "globalisation of rights",
and that the autonomy of migration, its character as a social movement, has
a special importance, when we speak about "globalisation from below".
to reject all tendencies of nationalism and protectionism the movement
against neoliberalism and capitalist globalisation is dependent on
antiracist struggles for free movement and equal rights, led by refugees and
migrants and their selforganisations on one hand, by antiracist activists
and (supporting) initiatives on the other hand.
vice versa the migration- and antiracist movement in its perspective depends
on a close networking with other social and emancipative struggles, and the
"new" anticapitalist movement includes a lot of important and interestant
during the strasbourg-noborder-camp we want to lead a thread of
presentations and discussions, workshops and actions through the
until now some events are already fixed, some others are still in
preparation and last not least we hope for more spontanous activities in the
dynamic of the camp itself.
friday, 19th of july, the opening day of strasbourg, is the anniversary of
genoa, and it would be important to refer to the day of migration with
50.000 participants on the streets in genoa last year. it was the first
time, that the demands of migrants played such a central role during an
anti-summit-mobilisation. we know, that in genoa a big program will take
place at 19th and 20th of july, and we think about ideas to connect each
at this day, the 19th, a convoi for freedom of movement will come from the
noborder-camp in jena in germany, where a lot of activities have taken place
in the days before, to strasbourg.
the convoi will start in the morning, and we will have a stop at frankfurt
air-port. we will organise a short manifestation, with speeches against
deportation and detention at this airport, but also refering to genoa. and
we think, we should do something similar, when we reach strasbourg with our
convoi in the early evening...
monday late evening, 22nd of july, a slide show will be presented, combining pictures about the development and mobilisations of anticapitalist movement during the last years on one hand, and photos about the struggles from migrants and antiracist initiaves in europe on the other hand. it should work as an introductional part, as a starting-point for common discussions within the next days. the slight show will be prepared by brian holmes from the group 'ne pas plier' and the 'no one is illegal'-group hanau.
tuesday evening, 23rd of july, a (central) cross-over-discussion is in
preparation, a debate is intended, which will include statements and thesis
of people and groups, who have been or who are involved in international
networks like peoples global action (pga) and noborder.
of course nobody want to pretend to be representative for these networks,
its decentralized structures are well known part of its approach.
we want to avoid to be limited in parallel presentations, rather we prefer
to make it possible to exchange experiences, to intensify a discussion about
differences and connected perspectives, and - at least- to put the right
common questions to the table.
(a more detailed description will follow in the beginning of july...)
we hope, that some more workshops will develop in the consequence of the
monday and tuesday events, that this first input will open more
and some more presentations and workshops are already announced in the same
context, but not yet fixed to a special date and time:
- presentation and promotor-meeting for the european social consulta
- presentation and discussion about the coming pga-conference in
leiden/netherlands at the end of august
- presentation/discussion about coming european social forum - meeting in
florence at 7th until 11th of november
- post 11th of september-workshop
no one is illegal hanau [migr. & globalisation coordination]