Freedom of movement and installation
13.Jun.02 - It is one of the headlines of the strasbourg-camp, and we see it as anabsolute right of all people to move and stay where they want and a keypoint in anticapitalist struggles. To do free movement is a clear positivedemand against a border regime, whichcreates thousands of deaths at the outerborders of Europe, which erectshundreds of cruel detention-centres, which includes innumerabledeportations, daily racist controls and discriminations. The SchengenInformation System serves as an electronic, supranational instrument of exclusion and deportation first and foremost againstmigrants but also against all people. For this reason, it is a real symbolof the european borderregime. We oppose a more and more "harmonised" migration-policy, which aims toselect migrants in useful, mainly cheap labour forces and supposedlyunwanted "illegals" who are a still cheaper labour force. Freedom ofmovement is directed against this policy of racism and exploitation.
On July 21st, in a central opening event during the Strasbourg nobordercamp, we will introduce with a sketchy description of theEuropean borderegime. Afterwards, and perhaps more important, differentgroups, who have been involved in the preparation of the strasbourgproject, will inform on the situation and struggles in their country and point out their respective approaches instruggling for freedom of movement. We do not want to confront these approaches during this first event., butthe expected diversity of these inputs concerning backgrounds and tactics,concerning campaigns and priorities should give a basis for furtherdiscussions during the camp.
The "thread" of freedom of movement will branch out in the following daysto a lot of workshops and activities:
- to a workshop about the struggle against detention-camps on tuesdayafternoon (23rd of July) and a demonstration in front of a detention closeto Strasbourg on wednesday, 24th of July (prepared by the collectiveanti-expulsion from Paris),
- to a manifestation in front of the European court of human rights onmonday morning (22nd of July) and a workshop about racist persecution ineurope on friday, 26th of July (prepared by the voice africa forum from jena),
- to a presentation of films about the campaigns against detentions initaly (prepared by ya basta/Milano),
- to a presentation of a new starting campaign against transnationalmigration management and iom as one main institution (prepared byantiracist office Bremen and noborder-group Kiev).
And for sure some more events will take place in the same context likefilms, for example about the nobordercamp in Woomera/Australia at wednesdaynight.