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international bordercamp strasbourg

Account from the week of action

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01.Mar.03 - Four actions to our knowledge (two in Paris, one against Air France from the collective against deportations, and one from "people who don't pay their tickets, among others" against the National Rail Company's anti-ticket-fraud campaign; one in Strasbourg against the Elsau prison, and one in Philadelphia against the Immigration and Naturalization Services building, where legal immigrants are being forced to register and submit to interrogation -- this was made part of several weeks of feature news on immigration for Radio Volta). Some people also came to Strasbourg and Colmar for the trials. The German defendants charged in the flag case proposed to mobilize with the anti-fascist networks in case of an appeal. Signs were also put up throughout France. It may not be much, but none of these initiatives stayed within the defensive framework of anti-repression activism; all sought to address the themes of the camp by various angles (the deportation of migrants, the criminalization of those who don't pay for public transport, and prison).