HighNoon on (HighJacked) stream
11.Dec.03 - HighNoon has just gone on air ! High Noon is an audiovisual protest that wants to confront and expose the rhetorics of the WSIS in geneva in order to assert our claims to the so called "information society". the high noon live stream is online at xicnet.com:81/ramgen/encoder/g03.rm [you need a real player to view it]. the shedule is available geneva03.net/moin.cgi/highNoonProgram
During the next days people from all over the globe will be able to watch the variety of media contributions and interventions uploaded by media activists and artists from around the globe. We will be following the revolution of the sun using its light as a scanner to raise up local experiences and stories to tell.
Instructions to view/hear High Noon on your computer
Video Stream:
- in linux mplayer: running ffmpeg (no audio yet): ayp.unia.es:8090/test1.mpg
[if it doesn't work, try adding -nosound at the end]
- in window$ : try picking the stream downloading vlc (get it from videolan.org)
high noon